Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 8 - The Twelve Creches of Christmas

In recent years, Fiona and Bill have left the snow clad December land of Canada to spend Christmas with their family in Bermuda, where I understand people dream the impossible dream – a white Christmas.

They attend St. Mark’s Church while in Bermuda, and this is their crèche.
What caught my attention with this crèche is the size of the star – seems bigger than the stable itself. Now in reality most stars may be this size or bigger, but in the Christmas events, I always imagine the star to be much smaller than the stable. Is there some reason why a church in Bermuda would display such a huge star?
While attending an exhibit containing more than 150 crèches from around the world, I noted the differences in the dimensions of and materials used to construct the Nativity Sets. People drew from their traditions, culture and locale to express what Christmas is all about.
Yet, even though the outward expressions varied greatly, the centrality of the message remained the same. At the centre of all these Nativity Sets was the new born child – Jesus Christ. Around him was the supporting cast of animals, shepherds and astrologers, and caring for Him were his earthly parents - single mother Mary and adoptive father Joseph.
If the former group represents the wider world with all its human stresses, concerns, troubles and sins, then the latter must indicate the presence of God. Maybe in the midst of what we are going through in life, we need to look way up and see the guiding light of the star, and then look beyond the star to see and know the ONE God who is love.
Today think about our different ways of expressing the one God and pray that each of us, by moving closer to God, may move closer to each other. Pray for it to happen.

The Crèche is a nativity set depicting the birth of Jesus Christ. Since St. Francis built the first Crèche in the 13th century, the idea has expanded around the world. Even though people frame their Crèches to reflect their local customs, traditions, cultures and materials, the central focus is always the same – the birth of the Saviour. During the 12 days of Christmas, I will share 12 Crèches and their messages. Hope you enjoy them.  
    Love to hear your thoughts on the Creches in COMMENTS below.

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